Master mind

Session 2


Expert group on technology for finance en tax

NXP - Secure connections for a smarter world

This second session of the Masterminds was facilitated by NXP Semiconductors at their office located on the Eindhoven Tech Campus. This location does not only function as a regular office but also has its own Technology showroom (Also accessible online)

The day started off with three demo sessions in the showroom. In the demo sessions experts informed us on the use of NXP microchips in cars, production robots and even plants.

After these demos we opened the plenary session and introduced new members to the group. Paul van Sloun (Senior Tax Director of NXP) took the floor and gave an insightful and inspiring presentation on their Tax and Technology journey (Integrated Compliance, Tax Reporting and Robotic Process Automation) which led to energetic discussions around challenges, opportunities and best practices.

We are looking forward to the next session at the end of the year!


Master Minds aims to bring together tax/finance experts to share knowledge and experiences on the possibilities of technology in the field of finance and tax. This group of people not only participate in the sessions but are also committed to be part of this group of experts towards the future.