How to deal with data gathering and analysis

How are you executing the process?


Council reaches agreement on a minimum level of taxation for largest corporations

The message is clear - Action time 

On December 12, 2022, the EU Council press office announced a deal to implement the minimum taxation component, known as Pillar 2, of the OECD’s reform of international taxation. All EU members are in agreement. The directive must be transposed into member states’ national law by the end of 2023. This will result in the EU being a front-runner in applying the G20/ OECD global agreement on Pillar 2. 

How we can help
Our solution running on multiple platforms (a.o. Workiva and TR ONESOURCE) helps you with the upcoming challenges related to Pillar Two. The content of our solution helps you: 

  • Identify how the structured and unstructured data is currently setup;
  • Identify who is currently responsible for the various subjects and data delivery;
  • Design the process to streamline and automate your data collection process (possibly connected to other platform solutions, ERP and other source systems);
  • Enable reporting following the preferences of your tax team.

Other solutions

Next to the development of our own solutions that focus on data/ document gathering and analysis, we have conducted a vendor selection on the various other products in the market. 

We are happy to assist your team with our global finance and tax (compliance and reporting) experience, addressing Pillar Two or other finance/ tax related challenges.

Read more about the press release